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‘Pensioners to suffer More’ – Mr Sam Bediako Aasante

Mr. Sam Bediako Asante, Financial Consultant and CEO of Sambed Consult has evaluated Bank of Ghana’s directive asking banks not to pay dividends to shareholders for the 2019 financial year and has concluded that Pensioners are most likely to be affected by such a directive.

In an interview on Citi Business News carefully monitored by Ghana Articles, Mr. Sam Bediako Asante noted that, most people who depend mostly on the dividend payment from these banks such as pensioners are going to receive the blow on the face.

He also mentioned that, the announcement could have come earlier as many would have been expecting these dividend payment to sustain them during the period.

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However, the directive which was given by Bank of Ghana on the April 20, 2020 was to enable Banks and all Specialized Deposit Taking Institutions (SDTIs) to better support customers and the general public in the midst of COVID19.

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