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‘More Can Be Done To Help Workers’ – Austin Gamey

One of the most talk about consequences of COVID19 has to do with job losses. As a result of that, Autin Gamey, a Labour Analyst edges government, employees, organized labour unions and all stakeholders to hold another Tripartite committee meeting to deliberate on the issue.

Mr. Gamey noted that, even though meetings have been held to help curb the issue, more still need to be done.

During the just ended May day observations, Dr. Yaw Baah the secretary general of the Trades Union Congress (TUC) made it known that unemployment is on the rise as many of the country’s working-class have lost their jobs due to the crisis. In Addition, Mr. Baah added that measures be put in place to help curb the situation.
According to Mr. Gamey, on the Eyewitness News on Citi TV which was closely monitored by Ghana Articles, More can be done as provision is made under the constitution to do so.

“The employers, government and organised labour touched base on some of the things they want to do but they can go a step further. As under section 113(C) of the Labour Act, in circumstances, as they may want to describe it, when economic situations demand that they should call an extended national tripartite committee meeting, maybe to be chaired by the Employment Minister or the Vice President to enable them to discuss those things extensively in real numbers as to what exactly they want to do, that ought to happen because the thing is not going to stop today or tomorrow. So, what do we do?” He said.

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“Provision is made under the Labour Act to enable them to go and discuss in an expanded manner all the related matters, the health and safety matters. Both the employers and workers must come together in a cooperative manner to discuss this disruptive situation because it is not the will of any worker or employer just to walk off the job. It is a disruption of economic activities of the business that has come upon them tragically. So, they must see it like that and work together cooperatively. They can’t resolve it themselves and perhaps the effort and conditions that have been laid before us,” he added.

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Mr. Gamey added that SSNIT laws could also be cushioned and money be raised from banks to help curb the situation.

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