Home / Lifestyle / Wondering How You Can Take Care Of Cracked Heels? Try These Remedies.

Wondering How You Can Take Care Of Cracked Heels? Try These Remedies.

Most people depend on their salons or pedicure sessions to take of their cracked heels. Cracked heels is a common thing which happens to people who mostly expose themselves to dry weather and dust.

If not paid attention to, it can lead to several complications and pains. Even when you are unable to visit the salon for pedicure sessions, you can as well practice some remedies at home which will absolutely heal your cracked heels faster. Here are some home remedies you will need to do to heal cracked heels.

Pumice Stone.
You can use a pumice stone to gently rub off all the dead skin cells. If done frequently, it can heal cracked heels faster. For better results, measure a tablespoon of salt and mix a few drops of olive oil and use it on your heels as a natural scrub. Alternatively, you can use a loofah. After, wash it off and apply a cream.

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Oiling Your Feet.
Make sure you oil your feet every night before you go to bed. You can oil the feet by using olive oil, castor oil or almond oil. Do well to rub the oil on the cracks every night. Petroleum jelly can equally be used. After, cover your feet with a pair of socks and leave overnight. The next morning you will notice a difference. Do this for some time until your heels heal.

Honey and Banana Pack.
Using honey and Banana pack, you need to mash the banana in a bowl and add a teaspoon of honey to it. Mix the two until the mixture becomes smooth and apply it on your heels. Let the mixture be on your heels for 20-30 minutes. After, you wash it off with lukewarm water. It is essential to use these ingredients because they are good for the skin.

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Dip Your Feet In Milk And Rose.
The milk and Rose remedy is superb especially when you want to get softer heels. All you need to do is to add some warm water into a tub or bowl, and add almost half a cup of milk. Add some rose petals and nim leaves too. If you have essential oils, you can add them. Dip your feet in the mixture and let it soak your feet’s and heels for 20-30 minutes before you pull your legs out. Keep scrubbing your legs gently.

These home remedies are just super great to help heal cracked heels. Try them at home and say a big good bye to cracked heels.

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