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Tag Archives: Guinness World Record

Guinness World Record: Seidu Rafiwu Completes 4-Day Walk-a-thon from Techiman to Accra

Seidu Rafiwu, a contender for a Guinness World Record, has successfully completed his attempt for the longest walk-a-thon, covering the longest distance on foot. Rafiwu began his journey on Saturday, April 27, and completed the 383-kilometer walk from Techiman to Accra in 96 hours. He finished his record attempt on …

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Ghanaian Activist Abubakar Tahiru Sets Guinness World Record by Hugging 1,123 Trees

Abubakar Tahiru, a Ghanaian activist, has achieved a remarkable feat by hugging a total of 1,123 trees, setting a new Guinness World Record. Growing up in a farming community in Tep, Ghana, Abubakar developed a deep interest in nature and its conservation, which ultimately led him to this extraordinary accomplishment. …

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I Will Not Embark on Another Cook-a-thon Attempt

Failatu Abdul Razak, better known as Chef Faila, the renowned culinary expert from Ghana, has announced her decision not to pursue another attempt at breaking the Guinness World Record for the longest cooking marathon. This decision comes after Chef Faila was disqualified by the Guinness World Record team for reasons …

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Chef Faila’s Guinness World Record Cook-a-thon Attempt Disqualified

Ghanaian chef, Failatu Abdul-Razak, fell short in her bid to break the world record for the longest cooking marathon by an individual, according to a press release on her Instagram page. Her goal was to surpass the official 119-hour record set by Alan Fisher. However, the attempt did not meet …

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Afua Asantewaa Issues Apology for Delayed Communication of Guinness World Record Results

Afua Asantewaa, who recently attempted to break the Guinness World Record for the longest singing marathon, has apologized to Ghanaians for the delay in revealing her record results. Following allegations that she knew the outcome of her attempt before the official announcement but did not disclose it, Asantewaa clarified that …

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My Wife Deserves a State Honor – Afua Asatewaa’s Husband

Kofi Aduonum, the husband of Afua Asantewaa, has called for his wife to be honored by the state, suggesting that a part of the Akwaaba Village where her Sing-A-Thon attempt took place be named after her. This appeal comes in the wake of the announcement by Guinness World Records that …

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Guinness World Record Disqualifies Afua Asantewaa’s Sing-a-thon Attempt

The Guinness World Record (GWR) has disqualified Ghanaian singer Afua Asantewaa’s attempt at the longest singing marathon. Responding to a comment on Twitter, GWR stated that Afua’s attempt was not successful, but they hoped she would make another attempt soon. The evidence check for her attempt had already begun before …

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Chef Faila in Tears as Former First Lady Lordina Mahama Visits Her at Her Guinness World Record Attempt in Tamale

In a heartwarming show of support, Ghana’s former First Lady, Lordina Mahama, made a surprise visit to Chef Faila Abdul Razat at the Modern City Hotel in Tamale. Chef Faila is currently endeavoring to break the Guinness World Record for the longest cooking marathon by an individual. The emotional encounter …

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Nigerian Wigmaker Helen Williams Sets Guinness World Record with the World’s Longest Handmade Wig

In a remarkable feat of creativity and dedication, Nigerian wigmaker Helen Williams has captured the attention of the world by crafting the longest handmade wig on record, measuring an astonishing 351.28 meters (1,152 ft 5 in). Williams embarked on this ambitious project in July 2023, investing 11 days of meticulous …

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Some Rules of the Guinness World Record Singing Marathon

Embarking on the journey of attempting the longest singing marathon is a feat that demands unparalleled dedication, vocal prowess, and endurance. The pursuit of such a record comes with a set of stringent rules and regulations to ensure fairness and authenticity throughout the attempt. Outlined within the guidelines are specific …

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