Barry Neequaye and his team , The kingdom Vessels released a single ‘Glorify Your Name’.
Before his third album release, he has released this new single to help people intensify their intimacy with God.
After a long break from the music scene, Barry’s single has become an anthem that is already making impact all over the world.
According to the gospel musician, it’s a song that “he received in a time of prayer and intimacy with God”. His desire is to help people build their relationship with God.
The song has been endorsed from different gospel musicians like Min. Luigi Maclean, Min. Philip Adzale and many more.
Barry has been a music minister for about five years . Over the years, he together with his team have organized events and made efforts to people to turn their hearts to God.
The minister aims to revive the hearts of everyone he meets to God, and have a closer relationship with God.
Barry is a gospel musician and a pastor at Zion Impact Ministries.