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Stop Complaining, Just Do It!.

Chronic complaining is a draining habit. It is tiring to both the one who complains and the one who listens.

If you want to live an exciting life free of complains, there are two strategies you need to implement in your life. The first one is the long term strategy. In this strategy you address the roots of your problem by working on your own consciousness.

Long Term Strategy: The Conscious You.
There are four main causes behind chronic complaining. The self-perpetuated negativity, unhealthy self esteem, lack of self-efficacy and unfulfilled needs.

You may have a problem connecting to one of them or all of them. In any of the cases, you need to take full responsibility for all these aspects in your life. You can start working on building six pillars of self esteem. The topics concerned with defeating negativity, addressing unfulfilled needs and building self efficacy will gradually be covered.

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Short Term Strategy: Accept Or Act.
While you may need to wait for sometime before you observe the effects of the long term strategy and noticeable changes in yourself, there are particular actions you need to take everyday.

If you are not happy about a situation, behavior or event, you have basically two choices.

You either accept the situation as it is adjust yourself to the situation to handle it better or..

You take persistent actions in order to change the things you are not happy about.

When you notice you are complaining, pause for a second and self analyze yourself if you really want to cause a change to the situation at hand. If not, make a decision to accept the situation.

Face the truth and ask yourself how best you can make changes to the situation or accept the situation at hand.

Be firm and don’t succumb to self pity. Don’t subscribe to self pity because it drains you psychologically making you have low self-esteem. Give yourself a good treat and ponder over the great things you went through or experienced during the day. You can choose to write it down to make you feel good anytime you read.

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In situations where you want to bring your dreams to materialize stop complaining and just make it happen. It will even serve as a motivation to other people and they will look up to you. That will in turn motivate you to work harder and achieve higher and commendable results as well as grow your business, company or brand. This is due to the fact that you are aware that people look up to you and therefore you put in your best in everything you do.

Practice these few strategies and live a life devoid of complains.

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