Home / Sports / Kwesi Appiah’s Salary Arrears Will Be Settled-Isaac Asiamah

Kwesi Appiah’s Salary Arrears Will Be Settled-Isaac Asiamah

Sports Minister Isaac Asiamah says his outfit would soon settle the salary arrears of former Black Stars Coach Kwesi Appiah.

Kwesi Appiah is believed to be owed four months arrears during his time as Black Stars Coach.

The ex-Ghana International was given a contract extension after the expiration of his two-year deal with the Ghana Football Association.

Four months after his exit as Ghana Coach, the former Al Khartoum trainer is yet to receive his outstanding entitlements, an amount believed to be in the region of $180,000.

However the Sports Minister has revealed measures are being put in place to pay off their former employee.

“Kwesi has done a lot for Ghana, We respect him, we gave him the job and gave him all he support. We gave him a two year contract and within those years we paid all his salaries. We owe him some arrears from his contract extension and we can’t say we won’t pay him. Gradually, we will pay him all his entitlements,” Asiamah spoke at a press briefing.

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“There was a similar case with Avram Grant but gradually we were able to pay him off. So we will pay Kwesi Appiah, he is one of our won and has done a lot for the country.”

The Ghana Football Association reappointed Kwesi Appiah for a second term in 2017 and tasked him to qualify and win the 2019 Africa Cup of Nations in Egypt, a mission he failed to accomplished after Ghana exited at the round of 16 stage.

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He was however refused a contract extension and was replaced by CK Akonnor who took over in January this year.

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