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How To Put Your Outfits Together And Rocking Them Perfectly.

Getting your outfits together can be such a hassle especially when you are preparing to go to school or work in the morning. Not to worry, once you get the hang of it, you will be putting lots of fun, amazing outfits together in no time.
In choosing your clothes or outfits, you have to:

A lot of times when we don’t know what to wear then it basically means you need to organize your closet. Organizing it will make it easier to locate the clothes you want to wear when stepping out for school, work, date, etc.
To achieve this, get rid of anything that you do not wear. Make room and provide space for what you wear. You can as well make a rule for yourself say every three months, you will clean out the wardrobe. Keep the clothes you don’t wear and give it to charity or anyone who may need it.

To make it easier when organizing, group the clothes according to its types. Group the sweaters at one area, the t-shirts, trousers, skirts, tops, dresses and so on. This makes it easier for you to find them whenever you looking out for a particular clothes to wear.

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You will need basic few tops that are the foundation of your wardrobe. The tops should be versatile and trend proof. It’s best for your basic wardrobe components to be in neutral colors like navy blue, white, black or any other color that can be easily worn with any other wear. The best is to stick to more classical designs than to follow every seasonal trend. Get a scarf or some jewelry that represents the season and rock it. Accessories can be an easy and cheap way to make the same outfit look different everyday of the week. Also, hey casual tops, a few dressy blouses, good basic jackets etc.

Accessories especially can add an individual element to your wardrobe without overwhelming you. Belts, jewelry, handbags, etc are great in neutral color as well as brighter styles. A black scarf with a black T-shirt and fitted jeans can be fun and an easy outfit. You really don’t have to invest a lot but you can look great and stylish.

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Shoes are really important to make a fun and comfortable outfit. You will need a few different styles of basic footwear’s in your closet to draw from when creating outfits. Different shoes go better with different styles of clothing. Remember white colored shoes are difficult to wash and easily stained; do make sure to consider the color of the shoe before wearing them.
You should have a pair of classic heels for all occasions and work.

Flats are great with jeans, skirts and with dresses. It’s good to have at least one neutral pair and a few that are more exciting like shiny silver etc.

Getting boots especially in colder places is very important as well. You can get some casual or grey boots or some fancy heeled ones that you can rock with jeans or a dress.

You can also get a casual sneakers for that casual jeans. You can also wear them with skirts or use them when you go for a really nice walk. They are comfortable to wear as well.

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