7 Effective Ways To Avoid Breast Sagging While In Your Youth

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Sagging breasts are a common issue eventually experienced by most women as they age.

Eventually, at some point in a woman’s life, no matter how hard she tries to avoid it, her breasts will sag.

However, there are several things to do in other to avoid early breast sagging as well as maintaining a youthful appearance for as long as possible.

  • Wear a supportive bra that’s your size

Getting a supportive fitted bra that is your size will help to give your breasts the support they need. It will also help your breast to resist gravity and reduce bouncing when you walk. This will help reduce strains on the skin and ligaments of your breasts and prevent them from stretching out.

  • Exercise

The best way to keep your body young and fit is by engaging in regular physical activity. One such activity is exercise. As a woman, exercise helps to emphasize the perkiness of your breast. Be sure to wear a well-fitted sports bra during exercise to hold your breast in place, reduce bouncing, and prevent the stretching of the skin and ligaments of your breast.

  • Massage
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Moisturize your breasts daily and gently massage in a circular motion from upside down and vice versa, to keep the skin supple and help your breast retain its elasticity. Massaging your breasts helps to increase circulation in the tissues, which helps to increase the elasticity of the breasts.

  • Eat proteins

Eating proteins is the best way to heal damages to the skin, connective tissues, and muscles. Your body uses proteins to heal these damages, which in turn helps strengthen your breasts to resist gravity and remain perky. Protein-rich foods include meat, milk, beans, nuts, etc.

  • Avoid weight fluctuations

Try to maintain a stable weight as much as you can. Avoid yo-yo dieting, avoid rapidly gaining and losing weight, and avoid becoming overweight. This is because weight fluctuations tend to stretch out the skin of your breast causing it to sag over time.

  • Breast-feeding does not cause breasts sagging
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Please drop the unnecessary fear of breastfeeding causing your breasts to sag (if you have this fear). Your breasts sag as they get larger and heavier during pregnancy because this process stretches the ligaments of the breast. Regardless of whether you breastfeed or not, over time your breast will still sag. Breast-feeding will not make it worse.

  • Avoid smoking

The chemicals in cigarettes harm the collagen and elastin in your skin making it weaker and less stretchy, which causes wrinkling of the skin and sagging of the breast. Once the skin of your breasts loses elasticity, your breasts will sag, even if you are young. You should be mindful of this and avoid smoking.

Source: Ghanaarticles.com

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