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6 Movies All Entrepreneurs Should Watch.

As an entrepreneur, you are constantly in need of an inspiration and motivation to keep building up your dream. It is generally known that books are a great way to fuel those entrepreneurial dreams. However when you are in need of an interesting stress relief moment, a good movie will suffice.

When you are feeling stressed out, movies can make your mind active and motivate you to be extra creative. Watch the best movies and increase your level of creativity as you relax in your couch.

Here’s a list of 6 movies you will need as an entrepreneur or a potential entrepreneur that will help motivate and intensify your creativity to another surprising level.

The movie parasite is is a story of two families in a symbiotic relationship. The Kims is a family stricken by poverty who cunningly place themselves in the service of parks. The peculiar lesson in this story is the fact that money doesn’t make you immune to misery. Try watch and gain experience and get some motivation to shape your entrepreneurial skills.

Lord Of War.
Lord of war is an action packed war crime movie that chronicles the life of an immigrant from Ukraine who made a decision that the only way he can be successful is to engage himself in illegal gun trade. The immigrants ambition and ability demonstrates the qualities of an individual needs to be a successful entrepreneur.

Up In The Air.
This movie tells the story of Rhyan Bingham who travels around the country for his job which includes laying off workers from companies. However the company is trying to reduce their expenses and downsize its travel budget. Fast forward, a new employee comes into the company with plans to bring a revolution into the business model by relying on only technology. This movie portrays a lesson of listening to your workers working in their various field before making decisions concerning the company.

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Public Figure.
This is a movie that investigates the lives of public figures on social media platforms from all around the world. It also addresses the psychological and addictive effects of social media on the society. It examines the everyday lives of influencers and how they deal with critics, money , fame and obsession. This documentary points out that an estimated 210 million people suffer from the internet and social media addictions. It further portrays the influencer lifestyle, despite the fact that it is lucrative, comes along with a psychological cost.

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Fighting With My Family.
The movie talks about the teenage daughter of a working class family that runs its own business in an area in England. “The Rock” in this movie is not only entertaining but also offers a strong lesson about the importance of being hardworking, being forgiving and encouraging teamwork.

Fyre Fraud.
From the beginning, Fyre festival was marketed on false promises. Instead of working out the logistics of the festival, the organizers focused on hiring mega influencers that was little and doesn’t really count. Having the most popular influencers promoting your brand doesn’t necessarily mean your company will be a success.

Watch these movies and learn to grow your brand and business as an entrepreneur, an employee or a potential entrepreneur. Enjoy!.

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