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 The World’s Quietest Room; You Can’t Stay There For an Hour

In the bustling world we live in, finding a moment of pure, unadulterated silence can be a challenge. However, if you think you crave absolute quiet, you might want to think again. The quietest place on Earth is not just serene; it’s unsettlingly silent, to the point where it can drive you to madness.

Located at Orfield Laboratories in Minnesota, USA, this anechoic chamber holds the Guinness World Record for being the quietest room on Earth. Designed to be 99.99 percent sound absorbent, the chamber is constructed with deep fiberglass wedges lining all six sides, a double wall of insulated steel, and foot-thick concrete. This unique construction ensures that the background noise measures an astonishing -9.4 decibels, which is far quieter than a typical quiet bedroom at 30 decibels.

The longest anyone has managed to endure this profound silence is just 45 minutes. When you step into the chamber, you quickly realize that the quieter the room, the more you hear. Your ears adapt to the lack of external noise, and you become acutely aware of your own body sounds. You can hear your heart beating, your lungs breathing, and even the loud gurgling of your stomach. In this environment, you become the sound, and this can be extremely disorienting, often making it difficult to stand. Most people can only tolerate the room while sitting down.

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Aside from being a curiosity for those seeking a unique experience, the anechoic chamber at Orfield Laboratories serves important practical purposes. Companies use it to test how loud their products are, ranging from heart valves and CPAP machines to cell phones. NASA has even utilized the chamber to help astronauts adapt to the silence of space.

So, while the idea of sitting in the quietest room on Earth might sound appealing, be prepared for an experience that challenges your senses and perception of silence.

About Juventus Kantaayel

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