Home / Ghana News Articles / The African Free Trade Deal Not feasible for 2020 – AfCFTA Secretary General

The African Free Trade Deal Not feasible for 2020 – AfCFTA Secretary General

The African free trade deal which was scheduled to have been lunched in month of July unfeasible as the Novel coronavirus has halted most economic activities.

The Secretary-General of the African Continental Free trade, Wamkele Mene made it known in an interview on Reuters that a trading date could only be confirmed after the summit and the next opportunity of another summit is January 2 2021.

The secretary general however mentioned that conducting the summit over video not feasible and unrealistic as its technical difficulties are many.

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He also mentioned that, those who will be depending on one trade partner will be harmed. The Secretary General however admits that the Novel coronavirus is slowing the economies down but is positive of a better future.

“The pandemic is slowing us down, but I think this is going to happen.”

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