Deborah Vanessa, known as Sister Derby, a human rights activist and musician, along with her brother, Wanlov Kuborlor, has reacted to the passing of the Anti-Gay Bill in Ghana.
Sister Derby questioned the efficacy of the bill in addressing crucial national issues. She voiced her concerns, asking whether the passing of the bill would effectively address challenges such as persistent power outages, poor road infrastructure leading to accidents, and the need for more schools and hospitals.
In her statement, she also pondered whether the bill would have any impact on issues like plastic pollution and illegal mining activities, known as Galamsey.
Additionally, some individuals questioned whether the presence of the LGBTQ community would contribute to solving the problems Sister Derby mentioned.
Parliament recently passed the Anti-Gay Bill, which criminalizes LGBTQ activities and prohibits their promotion, advocacy, and funding. Under the bill, individuals engaged in such activities could face a jail term ranging from 6 months to 3 years, while promoters and sponsors may be sentenced to 3 to 5 years in jail.
The amendments to the bill were approved by the House as part of the legislative process.