Home / Ghana Politics / NDC Parliamentary Aspirant Michael Nii Yarboi Arrested for Assault

NDC Parliamentary Aspirant Michael Nii Yarboi Arrested for Assault

Michael Nii Yarboi, an NDC parliamentary hopeful for Odododiodoo who was disqualified during the party primaries, has been detained following the issuance of a bench warrant.

Yarboi faces charges of assault after allegedly striking a resident of James Town and an NDC branch executive in Odododiodoo.

Prosecutors reported him to the Dansoman Circuit Court, suspecting him of intentionally avoiding court appearances.

The case was scheduled for a hearing on Thursday, June 20, at the Dansoman court but was postponed to June 24.

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When the case was revisited on Monday, the accused failed to appear. The police prosecutor informed the court that Yarboi seemed to be willfully disregarding court orders.

Following the prosecutor’s request, the court issued a bench warrant for Yarboi’s arrest.

Sources close to the prosecution confirmed that Yarboi has been apprehended since the warrant’s issuance. The case is now set for July 8, 2024.

About Juventus Kantaayel

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