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NAGRAT Gives Government One-Week Ultimatum Over Unpaid Pensions for 700,000 Workers

The National Association of Graduate Teachers (NAGRAT) has issued a stern warning to the government regarding the alleged non-payment of mandatory contributions for over 700,000 Ghanaian workers. NAGRAT President, Angel Carbonu, voiced these concerns during a press conference held on Thursday, April 18.

Mr. Carbonu accused the government of financial misconduct, particularly in relation to the non-payment of Tier 2 pension scheme contributions and other third-party deductions since July 2023.

He emphasized that these contributions are regularly deducted from workers’ salaries but have not been transferred to the appropriate institutions, raising serious concerns about the financial security of these workers, especially in their retirement years.

In response to this issue, NAGRAT has issued a one-week ultimatum to the government, demanding the immediate transfer of all outstanding deductions to the designated institutions.

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Failure to comply with this ultimatum, according to Mr. Carbonu, could lead to further action being taken to address what NAGRAT perceives as financial malfeasance on the part of the government.

Mr. Carbonu highlighted the importance of these contributions, stating, “Every month workers pay dues to their unions and these dues are deducted from the salary of the workers.

Also, workers are supposed to be deducted money from their salaries into their tier two pension scheme so as to safeguard their future.” He further expressed concern that the last payment made into the tier-two pension scheme was in June 2023.

About Juventus Kantaayel

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