Home / Lifestyle Articles / Sex And Relationship / ‘I Dated My Wife For 9 Years And She Never Asked Me For Money’ – Nigerian Man Shares ‘Grass To Grace’ Story

‘I Dated My Wife For 9 Years And She Never Asked Me For Money’ – Nigerian Man Shares ‘Grass To Grace’ Story

A Nigerian man has revealed how his girlfriend who is now his wife never stressed him with financial responsibilities during the period he dated her.

He said that they dated for almost 9 years, and during that moment he cannot recall a single moment that she placed a financial burden on his weak shoulders.

He shared his story on Twitter while ultimately reminding couples never to make the fulcrum of their relationship.

In his words;

”All through the almost 9 years I dated my wife, I cannot recall her asking me for money for anything for one day.

It was basically us just doing stuff together with our money. Right from university days until we graduated.

She didn’t call me one day to ask for money for phone Recharge card or hair or dress. We had occasional exchange of gifts and that’s that. Do not see me as tweeting from a privilege position. Our parents weren’t wealthy but they took care of our needs. All these were mostly seen as normal to us because it was common amongst my peers.

So it’s what I know I’ll tweet about. It remained that way until we got married before we individually took up our roles. To the younger ones, you can do it. Poverty is not an excuse as long as you have parents or siblings that are sponsoring you, live within your means and enjoy your relationship and grow together.

Involving money in relationships breed entitlement mentality between people dating.

I take care of you and you give me sex. That’s entitlement. You miss all the opportunities to truly know who you’re dating & it reduces trust & This was what we did. It doesn’t have to work for you if you try. But I’ll not come here to deceive you/tweet for the optics just because it’s “popular” opinion.I’m more into building, bonding & deliberately committing when it involves issues of the heart.”


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Source: GhArticles.com

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