Meta, the parent company of WhatsApp, has announced that the popular messaging app will stop supporting certain older phone models starting in 2025. This decision is part of ongoing efforts to enhance the app’s security and compatibility with newer devices and operating systems.
The first phase of the update will take effect on January 1, 2025, impacting devices running Android KitKat OS and earlier versions. Affected users will no longer be able to use WhatsApp unless their devices can be updated to newer operating systems. However, some older phones cannot be updated due to hardware limitations or lack of official support from manufacturers.
Among the Android models that will lose access to WhatsApp are:
- Samsung: Galaxy S3, Galaxy Note 2, Galaxy Ace 3, Galaxy S4 Mini
- Motorola: Moto G (1st Gen), Razr HD, Moto E (2014)
- HTC: One X, One X+, Desire 500, Desire 601
- LG: Optimus G, Nexus 4, G2 Mini, L90
- Sony: Xperia Z, Xperia SP, Xperia T, Xperia V
The second phase of the update is set for May 5, 2025, when WhatsApp will end support for iPhones using iOS versions earlier than 15.1. While some iPhone users will be able to update their operating systems, older models like the iPhone 5s, iPhone 6, and iPhone 6 Plus, which can only be updated to iOS 12.5.7, will no longer be able to use the app.
The number of users affected by these changes is expected to be relatively small, as they mostly involve individuals who continue to use devices more than a decade old. However, those who rely on older phones and cannot upgrade their operating systems will need to consider purchasing newer models to continue using WhatsApp.
These updates apply to both the standard WhatsApp application and WhatsApp Business. Meta has assured users that these changes are necessary to maintain the app’s security, reliability, and compatibility with modern technologies.
According to Meta, older devices often lack the technical capabilities to support the latest security features and app functionalities. By discontinuing support for outdated models, the company can focus on optimizing WhatsApp for newer devices and operating systems.
Users are advised to check their devices and operating system versions to ensure compatibility and avoid interruptions. For those using older devices, upgrading to newer models might be the only way to maintain access to the app’s services.