Foods that can easily boost your energy level when tired.

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Feeling tired is one of the most difficult things to handle especially when you have a lot on your hands to do. To reduce the feeling of tiredness, some nutritionist have suggested foods that can help boost energy levels.
Garden cress seeds or aliv is one of the suggested foods. It contains foilc acid and iron that reaches every cell of the body which makes one feel energetic. It also improves skin health and makes the hair stronger .
Cashew is also another suggested food. Fatigue can also lead to low energy levels. Cashews contain phytosterols which can Lower bad cholesterol levels in the blood and boost energy level.
Soaked pulses, sprouted and cooked is also another suggested food that can boost energy levels. The pulses need to be soaked for about five to six hours and then sprouted and cooked. This helps to gain energy levels and can carry on with activities for effective productivity in various sectors of work.

If you are feeling weak and wants to boost your energy level, you can also take in oats because you may be deficient in vitamin B. Vitamin B helps the brain to function effectively and helps to breakdown carbohydrates to glucose to fuel the body and making the body feeling more energized. For a good source of vitamin B, try including oats to your morning porridge bowl. Oats also contains other nutrients like Calcium, magnesium, manganese. In addition, oats helps to keep sugar in the blood stable and release a steadily form of energy. Make sure you grab a bowl of oat and enjoy a healthy breakfast.

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