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Court Admits Full WhatsApp Chats Between Jakpa and AG into Evidence

The court has officially admitted the entire WhatsApp conversation between Richard Jakpa and Attorney General Godfred Yeboah Dame as evidence. This decision came despite objections from Jakpa’s lawyers, who contested the admissibility of the full chat.

During cross-examination, the prosecution presented the complete WhatsApp chat, which includes 68 messages from Richard Jakpa and two responses from Godfred Dame. However, Thaddeus Sory, Jakpa’s lawyer, argued that the conversation submitted differed from what was on Jakpa’s phone. He pointed out discrepancies in the dates of the messages, raising concerns about their authenticity and suggesting that accepting the Attorney General’s version could create substantial prejudice.

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The prosecution maintained that the WhatsApp messages were pertinent to the case. Director of Public Prosecutions Yvonne Attakora Obuobisa highlighted the relevance of the chats, noting that Jakpa had admitted to not providing the entire conversation.

In the end, the judge ruled in favor of admitting the WhatsApp conversation presented by the prosecution, stating that it would not cause any prejudice.

About Juventus Kantaayel

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