Home / NEWS Articles / Gh News / Bolga Dog Eaters Warn Against Ban, Threaten Demo Bigger Than #FixtheCountry Demo

Bolga Dog Eaters Warn Against Ban, Threaten Demo Bigger Than #FixtheCountry Demo

Consumers of dog meat in Bolgatanga in Upper East Region have expressed outrage over a petition to government to ban the consumption of the delicacy.

The obviously livid dog meat eaters say any attempt by government to give the frivolous petition a hearing will attract their wrath and have threatened to stage a demonstration bigger than the recently held #FixtheCountry demonstration, a move they have warned government cannot handle.

In a report filed by MyNewsGh.com, the residents who spoke to Bolgatanga based Dreamz Fm in an interview, described the petition as the most useless petition in the history of the world and an affront to the tradition and culture of all right-thinking consumers of the delicacy.

“They should try it and see. Like the demo that will hit government will be more than fix the country demonstration,” a resident said.

An International Animal Rights Activist, Natasha Choolun, has reportedly petitioned the Government of Ghana to ban the trade and consumption of cat and dog meat.

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“Dogs and cats are not food, but loyal companion animals that should be treated with kindness and respect, not brutalised and eaten,” she said in a petition.

The petition noted that the consumption of these animals poses health threats adding that “The World Health Organisations has confirmed that these global live animal markets must be closed as they are at the root of COVID-19 and are also a breeding ground for the spread of other fatal diseases. The brutal dog and cat meat trade is putting human health at risk from the consumption of dogs and cats in form of Cholera, Rabies and other deadly diseases and now COVID 19. We urge you to ban the demonic dog and animal sacrifices and the barbaric dog and cat meat trade in Africa. Like many harmful and outdated practices in history, these barbaric animal sacrifices must also be abolished.”

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These claims have however been refuted by the consumers who have argued that dog meat particularly is a good source of protein and other essentials minerals which rather enhances Good health and stronger immune systems.

“Our fathers and grandfathers ate dog meat all their life and are you telling us that we are healthier than they were. They were stronger and lived longer than we do now. If anyone says we are at any risk, it is not true,” another resident said.

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Source: GhArticles.com/MyNewsGh.com


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