Home / NEWS Articles / African News / I have never dated a female in the movie industry; I dare them to prove otherwise- Prince David Osei

I have never dated a female in the movie industry; I dare them to prove otherwise- Prince David Osei

Prince David Osei, an award-winning Ghanaian actor, has stated that he has never dated any actress or crew member in the film industry since he began acting.

During an interview with Fiifi Prat on Kingdom FM, the renowned actor dismissed rumours that he had dated most of the actresses in the Ghana film industry, claiming that the rumours were false.

He said, “I can say to praise the name of the Lord that ever since I came into acting, I have never dated anybody in the industry.”

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Prince demonstrated his innocence in the matter by daring his coworkers and female crew members who believe he has dated or proposed to them to expose him publicly, adding that he is willing to hand over his car keys to such an individual.

“I will hand over my car keys to anyone who will come out to say I dated her in the industry,” he noted.

Prince David Osei has denied having affairs with Yvonne Nelson and Martha Ankoma. According to him, these actresses are more or less like sisters to him, so he will never date them.

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He explained, “The way I relate to Martha and Yvonne Nelson, they see me as their brother. I haven’t dated any of them and I haven’t proposed to any of them and it will never happen.”

Source: Gharticles.com

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