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 Minority Threatens Protest Over Locked-Up Medical Supplies at Tema Port

The Minority Caucus in Parliament has issued a stern warning, stating that they will organize a demonstration if the government fails to clear all containers of essential medical supplies currently locked up at the Tema Port.

This ultimatum comes after the Health Minister’s two-week deadline for officers to clear the consignment donated to Ghana by the Global Fund.

Health Minister Bernard Okoe Boye has promised to personally visit the port and remain there until the situation is resolved if the two-week ultimatum expires without action.

Ranking Member on the Health Committee of Parliament, Kwabena Mintah Akandoh, emphasized the need for the government to take immediate action and clear all containers.

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He stated, “We are a group of reasonable people, and so we have heard the plea by the minister responsible for health that we should give him two weeks. Although it doesn’t make any sense to plead for two weeks to clear commodities that have been at the port for one good year, we have heard him. But we are sending a clear signal and warning that within his own two weeks, all, and the emphasis is all, all the containers containing these drugs should be cleared from the port. Not some, as they have been doing.”

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Additionally, Akandoh urged the government to address the grievances of the Medical Laboratory Professional Workers’ Union promptly to prevent health workers from seeking opportunities abroad.

About Juventus Kantaayel

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