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Interesting Tips On How To Stay Busy At Home During Coronavirus Period.

The coronavirus outbreak has created a lot of problems. As concerts are postponed, sporting activities are cancelled, schools are closed and tourist sites are shut down, experts recommend that even those that show no sign of illness should stay at home during this time of the global pandemic, Coronavirus.

In as much as it is important to help flatten the curve by protecting yourself and others from this pandemic, you may be bored at home and boredom can actually take its toll on you.

What are you supposed to do whilst stuck indoors due to the fact that you are advised to stay home? Here are some activities you can actively engage yourself in at home which will make you conquer boredom.

Complete a puzzle.
In order not to give boredom it’s way to take its toll on you, you can choose to complete a puzzle. The more pieces , the better. This will help keep you busy and while away time. Above all you gain better problem solving skills, increased IQ, improved mood, better collaboration and helps gain lower stress levels.

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Start a journal or blog.
Starting a journal or blog whilst at home helps improve your writing and thinking skills. You can start a journal blog on any area of interest and by this you can keep yourself busy.

Writing Poems.
You can choose to write poems relating it to anything at all, say nature. Poem can be based on your areas of interest. This helps to improve writing skills, good for developmental learning , helps you to understand people as well as know the significance of word placement.

Watch movies.
During this period, you can choose to watch movies. Watch all the long movies you’ve avoided until now.

Try do some exercises to keep your body fit and in shape. This will not only while away time but also control your weight, boost the immune system to fight against diseases, promote better sleep making you feel healthy. Try do some exercises at home and come out with the body goals after this pandemic is over.

Learn something new.
You can choose to learn anything new that you have never had the chance to do whilst busy. You can learn how to braid, how to write blogs, how to do simple makeup’s, how to sew, how to transform old clothes to look better and new and so many other skills you can think of. These can be learnt using the YouTube app or any other app that can help to upload and watch videos.

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Interview your grandparents.
Interviewing grandparents can be interesting sometimes. Interview grandparents and save the audio to create an audio story or book.

Listen to music.

You can listen to any genre of music you prefer which will let you feel good and relaxed.

Bake or cook something special.
Bake or cook something that is beyond your regular cooking rotation. You can bake cakes, do some waffles, prepare some pancakes or pastries.

Trying out these tips during this period when you have a lot of time at your disposal will help you learn a lot and come out of this “quarantine” period a more intelligent and experienced person. Happy quarantine.

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