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Impact Of Covid-19 On The Mental Health Of Children.

Have you ever wondered or thought about the impact of the Covid-19 crises on the mental health of children? Here are the impacts of covid-19 on children you never thought of.

Children are likely to be experiencing anxiety, fear and worry and these are the types of fear that can also be experienced by the elderly like the fear of dying, fear of their relatives dying and so on. Since school have closed, most children may no longer have the sense of structure and simulation and now they have less opportunity to be with friends and get more interaction with other people which is very essential for good mental well-being.

Being at home can place some children at the risk of being exposed to child protection incidents as well as make them witness interpersonal violence especially when their home is not a safe place to be. This is something that is very concerning and critical.

Children may also find the changes that have taken place very difficult to understand and may express anger at some point in time. They may find that they want to get more closer to their parents and make more demands from them which makes the parents to be placed under pressure, especially in cases where parents don’t have the means to cater for everything their child or children needs.

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Strategies that can improve the situation is by giving young children he love and attention that they need to resolve their fears.

Also be very honest with children as to what is happening in a way that they will understand.

Parents on the other hand also need to be encouraged and supported in managing their stress so that they can be able to suffice the needs of children.

Children can also be helped by providing materials needed to be creative with themselves and that can help them to express themselves.

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Mental and psychological support services should be in place and child protection services needs to ensure that care is still given to children as needed especially during these Covid-19 period.

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