‘I Am 14 Years Old And I want To Settle Down, But My Family Says I Am Too Young’ – Beautiful Girl Weeps Bitterly As She Seeks For Advice On What To Do

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Most of us want to marry at a young age, while others want to marry at an older time in their lives, it doesn’t really matter as along as we eventually do it.

Nonetheless, people view the idea of marriage or relationship like something that is complicated and for matured people, which sometimes doesn’t really work out.

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Well, this statement in my opinion is not entirely true, we cannot judge a person for wanting to marry, whether family or not.

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This is the situation of a lady who tweeted that she is 14years old and she wants to marry but her family says she is too young for that.

In the tweet sighted by Ghanaarticles.com, the beautiful girl seemed to be crying in the post, most likely indicating to us that it is something that she wants the most hence she is emotional about it.

However, we can never really tell why her family says she is too young, maybe they want something better for her.

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I know as person I would want better for my young sister and not to marry at a young age.

Checkout her post below;

What advice would you give to this girl?

Feel free to drop your comments and thoughts in the box below. Thank you for reading.

Source: Ghanaarticles.com

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