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Five Reasons to Pray Before Sleeping

Prayer is an invocation or act that seeks to activate a rapport with an object of worship through deliberate communication.
So there is always a need to pray before you go to sleep to ask divine intervention.
  1. The devils is always after weakest in spirit to devour                                                                       For many Christians this entry is not possible during day because of their busy bodies, spirits and souls. Their easiest entry point is in your state of sleep when your body is at rest. This is why you must always pray before sleeping for our Father in Heaven, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit to take care of your body, spirit and soul. When you pray before bed, Satan and demons will find it very difficult to attack you in your sleep.
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2. Demons can steal your blessings when sleeping

God blessed King Solomon in a dream, while Solomon was asleep. Satan and demons can do the same by stealing blessings of Christians as they sleep. Every time you dream giving out cash, wake up quickly and pray because demons may have stolen your blessings as you slept.

3. You can die in your sleep

If such individuals prayed before their sleep, don’t  be surprised if they wake up in Heaven, instead of Hell.

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4. Satan can plan evil in you as you sleep

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Have you observed that some persons wake up with very bad moods? You may also have heard about Morning Depression, Waking up Angry, Waking up Grumpy, etc. This is why it is very important to pray before sleeping. When you pray before bed, you will not wake up with such bad moods.

5. Witches can call and interact with your soul

Just as the Witch of Endor called the Prophet Samuel’s soul, present day witches can actually call and interact with your soul as you sleep. When you pray before sleeping, witches will find it very difficult to interact with your soul.

Source: Ghanaarticles.com

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