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EC Reverses Decision to Use Only Ghana Card for Voter Registration

The Electoral Commission (EC) has decided to retain the guarantor system for the upcoming limited voter registration exercise, abandoning its earlier plan to eliminate it. This decision was communicated to political parties during the Inter-Party Advisory Committee (IPAC) meeting convened to discuss the electoral calendar.

During the meeting, it was confirmed that the initially proposed calendar, which included the removal of the guarantor system, was revised based on input from all political parties and has now been accepted.

Dr. Omane Boamah, the Director of Elections for the National Democratic Congress (NDC), expressed satisfaction with the revised calendar, stating that his party is content with the outcome. He praised the chairperson of the EC, Jean Mensa, for the cordial manner in which she chaired the meeting and addressed the concerns raised by political parties.

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Meanwhile, the NPP Director of Elections, Evans Nimako, emphasized that the party will not tolerate any abuse of the guarantor system. He stated that while the NPP supported the use of the Ghana card for voter registration, they will adhere to the existing system and ensure that the right procedures are followed.

About Juventus Kantaayel

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