Chereponi Incident: Confrontation Erupts Between Wanchiki Residents and NEDCo Officials Over Power Disconnection

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In a recent incident on Monday, October 9, 2023, tension flared up in the Chereponi district of the North East Region, Ghana, as residents of Wanchiki clashed with representatives from the Northern Electricity Distribution Company of Ghana (NEDCo) during a disconnection operation.

The local youth contended that they had not received sufficient prior notice regarding the impending power disconnection. They approached the NEDCo supervisor, respectfully requesting a two-day grace period to settle their overdue electricity bills.

Contrary to their hopes, the NEDCo officials rejected the plea and instructed their team to proceed with the disconnection process.

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This decision infuriated the Wanchiki residents, prompting them to confront the NEDCo team. Ultimately, the situation escalated to the point where the NEDCo officials were compelled to vacate the community.

Frustrated by these events, the NEDCo team returned to Chereponi and carried out the disconnection of electricity in the entire Wanchiki area. Unfortunately, this action affected even those residents who had diligently paid their bills on time.

About Juventus Kantaayel

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