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I Will Choose Dutch Passport Over PhD and Law Degree – Wayoosi

Joseph Osei, widely recognized as Wayoosi in the Kumawood film industry, has voiced his opinion in the current debate on the relative worth of a PhD compared to a foreign passport.

The conversation began following remarks from Kofi Gabs, a Ghanaian janitor in the Netherlands who recently received his Dutch passport. In a widely circulated video, Kofi Gabs, also known as Mr. Happiness, argued that possessing a Dutch passport provides more advantages than holding a PhD from Ghana, particularly in terms of ease of international travel.

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Mr. Happiness recounted his experience of planning a visit to a friend in the United States, emphasizing how his Dutch passport made the process significantly smoother. He contended that a PhD holder with a Ghanaian passport would face more bureaucratic hurdles.

He stressed that the perceived bureaucratic complexities associated with a Ghanaian passport diminish its value in comparison to a foreign passport. According to him, a Ghanaian PhD holder would encounter substantial difficulties in obtaining travel documents, unlike someone with a Dutch passport, which he believes offers greater benefits.

Weighing in on the matter, Wayoosi declared that if he had to choose, he would undoubtedly opt for a foreign passport over a PhD, even if a law degree were also part of the offer.

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In a social media video, Wayoosi openly shared his perspective.

“Enough of this unnecessary debate. How can you compare a foreign passport to a PhD? Even if you add a law degree to the PhD, I would still choose the foreign passport. Don’t overthink this and stress yourself,” he stated in Twi.

About Juventus Kantaayel

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